Villare Cantianum: or, Kent Surveyed and Illustrated. Being an exact Description of all the Parifhes, Burroughs, Villages, and other Refpective Mannors Included in the County of Kent; And, the Original and Intermedial Poffeffors of them, even until thefe Times. Drawn out of Charters, Efcheat-Rolls, Fines, and other Publick Evidences; but efpecially out of Gentlemens. Private Deeds and Muniments. To Which is Added An Hiftorical Catalogue of the High-Sheriffs of Kent: Collected by John Philipott Efq; Father to the Authour
Philipott, Thomas (died 1682) [Formerly of Clare-Hall in Cambridge] and John Philipott (1589?-1645)
(Book #ID 15631)
London, Printed by William Godbid, and are to be fold at his Houfe over againft the Anchor Inne in Little Brittain First Edition 1659. 1659.
First edition in contemporary full calf binding, re-backed after old spine, five raised bands, gilt lines, new calf and gilt title label to spine, hand-sewn headbands, new end papers and paste downs. Quarto 11¾" x 7¾" xiv, 401 [pp]. Address 'To his worthy Friend Tho Philipott Efq; Upon his Diligent Survey of the Mannors of Kent: Entituled, Villare Cantianum, by Joh. Bois of Hode Efq.' Without map. Illustration from Roman times of 9 Maritime Towns, illustration of 'The Barons of the Ports', two other illustrations. 'A Table of Addenda or Omissions' signed 'James Beecher His Book 1705'. Separate chapter on 'The Defcription of the Islands' including Elmeley [near Faversham], Graine, Hartie, Oxney, Shepey [Including 'Conftables of Quinborough Caftle'], Thanet [Including paragraphs on Sarre, Downebarton, Quekes, Weft-gate, Dandelion, Nafh-court, Dene, Hengrove, Salmefton, Dane-court, Ellington, Manfton, St. Lawrence, Minfter, and Monkton], and Stonar. Final chapter deals with 'The Etymology, Derivation, and Definition, of all the Hundreds and Parifhes mentioned in the Map of Kent, as they are derived from fome Saxon Radix'. First six pages with upper corners missing [text not affected], general toning to pages, annotation to the magins of several pages, the former bookplate of 'Oscar Boulton' to upper paste down, name to front end paper, hand-written index letter to the top of each page. Member of the P.B.F.A.
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